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Ignite Your Business Potential With OrangeMantra's IOT Services

Our comprehensive Industrial IoT app development services are customized to elevate your business operations, drive innovation and propel you towards success in the digital landscape. Experience the transformative power of IoT technology with our expert solutions.

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The Industrial IoT Phenomenon

Industrial IoT is a turning point in the evolution of industries. It brings a fundamental transformation in business operations and make them more efficient. It is a network of devices and systems that work together. These devices collect data and help businesses make smart decisions.

With Industrial IoT, machines can talk to each other and help organizations run smoothly. It’s a new era in industry and emerging as a driving force behind increased productivity, cost savings and sustainability.

Grow Scaled

Our IoT Development Services

The team at OrangeMantra is committed to bring the power of the Internet of Things (IoT) to your doorstep. With our Industrial IoT services, we help you transform your innovative ideas into practical, connected solutions that drive efficiency, reduce costs and open up new business horizons. Our IoT experts combine cutting-edge technology with industry-specific practices.

IoT Development

Custom IoT development are heart of our solutions. Whether you need a new IoT application or want to enhance an existing one our development team will bring your vision to life.

IoT integration

We specialize in integrating a wide range of sensors, controllers and devices into your existing industrial systems. Our expertise ensure seamless connectivity. This allows your equipment to send and receive real-time data.

Data Analytics

We help you make sense of vast data generated by your devices. Our advanced analytics solutions offer actionable insights, predictive maintenance and process optimization.

IoT Consulting

Industrial IoT consulting from OrangeMantra will guide you through the complexities of IoT applications. We provide the consultancy you need to make informed decisions from strategy development to technology selection.

IoT Modernization

Our IoT modernization services help you upgrade your existing IoT infrastructure. We will revamp your systems to keep pace with the latest industry standards and technology advancements.

Real World IoT Success Stories

Explore how Industrial IoT solutions have revolutionized businesses in diverse sectors. Look into our case studies to see how data-driven innovation is driving success, efficiency and sustainability across industries.

Our Advanced Tech Stack for Industrial IoT

  • Frameworks

  • Node JS Node.js
  • IOT js IoT.js
  • Device js Device.js
  • Angular Angular
  • Languages

  • C/C++ C/C++
  • Python Python
  • Ruby Ruby
  • JavaScript JavaScript
  • Platforms

  • Microsoft Azure Microsoft Azure
  • Google Cloud IoT Google Cloud IoT
  • OpenHAB OpenHAB
  • Amazon Web Services IoT Amazon Web Services IoT
  • Protocols

  • WIFI Wi-Fi
  • 5g 2G/3G/4G/LTE/5G
  • Hardware

  • Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi
  • Arduino Arduino
  • Google TPU Google TPU
  • FPGA controllers FPGA controllers
  • Sensors

  • Analog Analog
  • 1-wire 1-Wire
  • RF433 RF433

Why Your Company Needs Industrial IoT?

The adoption of Industrial IoT is a technological upgrade and a strategic move that can reshape your business. At OrangeMantra, we believe that understanding the benefits of IoT is the key to unlock the full potential . Below are some of the advantages Industrial IoT solutions can offer:

Industries We Transform With IoT

OrangeMantra take pride in its ability to cater to a wide range of industries. We offer tailor-made Industrial IoT solutions that bring transformative change. Here are some of the industries we served:

Our Industrial IoT Development Journey

At OrangeMantra, we understand that developing IoT solutions requires a well-structured and agile development process. Our refined approach consists of the following phases of creating IoT solutions:

  • Discovery


    The process starts with understanding your business, its challenges and the specific goals you aim to achieve through Industrial IoT. We identify the pain points, opportunities and relevant industry while crafting your IoT solution.

  • Process Define


    We define a clear IoT strategy while considering the insights gained from the discovery phase. This includes setting up specific objectives, key performance indicators and a roadmap for implementation. Moreover, we ensure the project’s scope and objective align with your vision.

  • Process Design


    Our design experts craft the blueprint for your IoT solution and creates the architecture, user interfaces, and data flow diagrams. We emphasize user-friendly design to ensure ease of use for monitoring and control of IoT devices.

  • Developement


    Once the design is in place, our developers create the necessary hardware and software components, integrate communication protocols and ensure data is collected, processed and analyzed effectively.

  • Maintenance


    We offer continuous monitoring, support and maintenance services to ensure that the IoT solution functions optimally. This ‘Maintenance’ phase includes regular updates, security enhancements and addresses any emerging issues.

Discover how Industrial IoT can Boost Your Business?

Why Choose OrangeMantra As Your Partner in Industrial IoT

We understand choosing the right partner for your Industrial IoT journey is important. And, we are committed to being that partner. Here’s how we stand out:

Our clients absolutely love us

Frequently Asked Questions

Industrial IoT is a specialized branch of the broader Internet of Things (IoT). While IoT uses a wide range of connected devices for various applications, Industrial IoT focuses on the use of IoT technology within Industrial and business settings. Industrial IoT is to meet the demands of industries, such as manufacturing, energy and healthcare where real time data and process optimization are important.

It has several advantages including increased operational efficiency, cost savings, enhanced security and better decision making. It is suitable for all businesses. For small businesses, it optimizes their operations, reducing maintenance costs and gaining valuable insights into their processes just like the larger organizations.

Security plays a crucial role in Industrial IoT. We implement robust security measures, including encryption, access control, and regular security audits to safeguard Industrial IoT solution. We stay updated with the latest security protocols and ensure your device remains protected from cyber threats.

It mainly depends on the complexity of Industrial IoT solution. However, it takes a few months from planning to full implementation. Our team works efficiently to minimize disruption and ensure a smooth development process.

Join the Industrial IoT Revolution With Us